Cybersecurity Update

February 28, 2024

As previously shared, on November 8, 2023, ACAW Trust Funds became aware that an unauthorized third party accessed a portion of its IT infrastructure and confidential member information.

Despite this data breach, the ACAW Trust Fund pension plan and health and wellness plan and its funds remain secure and not at risk.

Since the breach, ACAW Trust Funds has actively adopted new internal protocols to minimize the risk of this type of incident

We are committed to safeguarding our systems and member data through implementing proactive measures. These include enhancing access controls, and security protocols and implementing additional monitoring technologies and procedures.

To achieve end-to-end protection within our system, we have taken several crucial steps:

  • Anti-Virus Measures: We have upgraded to a new single-solution that detects and responds to potential breaches, ransomware, and cyber attacks

  • Enhanced Backup Systems: Data backups now have improved redundancy and security measures to prevent unauthorized access and ensure data integrity

  • Upgraded Microsoft Solutions: We are migrating to newer Microsoft services that provide the latest security enhancements and features

  • Improved Network Security: New network hardware has been installed that provides cutting-edge security and better monitoring capabilities 

The ACAW Trust Funds team is working hard to continue to provide you with peace of mind, and we are committed to maintaining the highest levels of customer service, security, and fraud protection.

If you have any further questions or inquiries, please get in touch with us by calling our toll-free support line at 1-855-860-8764, as well as a dedicated email address -

Board of Trustees
ACAW Trust Funds